Sow a Seed with Rick McFarland Ministries
Since transitioning in 2022 from bi-vocational to full-time Pastor of River Rock Church, Rick McFarland has felt a strong leading by the Lord to study His Word more deeply. Your one-time gift or monthly partnership will help Pastor Rick to continue writing devotions, commentaries, and books that will help individuals to grow closer to God by understanding the grace that has been bestowed upon the Body of Christ, and to appropriate every blessing and promise given to us by faith. If you have been blessed spiritually by this ministry, please consider sowing a financial seed with a one-time gift or by becoming a monthly partner with RMM so we can reach more people with the message of the grace of God. May the Lord multiply all the seed you sow and increase the fruits of righteousness in your life!
Every partner will receive the “Pastor Rick Book Bundle” consisting of Where Is My Mate?, How to Walk In the Spirit, and The Riches of His Grace.